247 research outputs found

    A New Interpretable Neural Network-Based Rule Model for Healthcare Decision Making

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    In healthcare applications, understanding how machine/deep learning models make decisions is crucial. In this study, we introduce a neural network framework, Truth Table rules\textit{Truth Table rules} (TT-rules), that combines the global and exact interpretability properties of rule-based models with the high performance of deep neural networks. TT-rules is built upon Truth Table nets\textit{Truth Table nets} (TTnet), a family of deep neural networks initially developed for formal verification. By extracting the necessary and sufficient rules R\mathcal{R} from the trained TTnet model (global interpretability) to yield the same output as the TTnet (exact interpretability), TT-rules effectively transforms the neural network into a rule-based model. This rule-based model supports binary classification, multi-label classification, and regression tasks for small to large tabular datasets. After outlining the framework, we evaluate TT-rules' performance on healthcare applications and compare it to state-of-the-art rule-based methods. Our results demonstrate that TT-rules achieves equal or higher performance compared to other interpretable methods. Notably, TT-rules presents the first accurate rule-based model capable of fitting large tabular datasets, including two real-life DNA datasets with over 20K features.Comment: This work was presented at IAIM23 in Singapore https://iaim2023.sg/. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2309.0963

    Improved Differential Attacks for ECHO and Grostl

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    We present improved cryptanalysis of two second-round SHA-3 candidates: the AES-based hash functions ECHO and GROSTL. We explain methods for building better differential trails for ECHO by increasing the granularity of the truncated differential paths previously considered. In the case of GROSTL, we describe a new technique, the internal differential attack, which shows that when using parallel computations designers should also consider the differential security between the parallel branches. Then, we exploit the recently introduced start-from-the-middle or Super-Sbox attacks, that proved to be very efficient when attacking AES-like permutations, to achieve a very efficient utilization of the available freedom degrees. Finally, we obtain the best known attacks so far for both ECHO and GROSTL. In particular, we are able to mount a distinguishing attack for the full GROSTL-256 compression function

    Collision Attack on GRINDAHL

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    Hash functions have been among the most scrutinized cryptographic primitives in the previous decade, mainly due to the cryptanalysis breakthroughs on MD-SHA family and the NIST SHA3 competition that followed. GRINDAHL is a hash function proposed at FSE 2007 that inspired several SHA3 candidates. One of its particularities is that it follows the RIJNDAEL design strategy, with an efficiency comparable to SHA2. This paper provides the first cryptanalytic work on this scheme and we show that the 256-bit version of GRINDAHL is not collision resistant. Our attack uses byte-level truncated differentials and leverages a counterintuitive method (reaching an internal state where all bytes are active) in order to ease the construction of good differential paths. Then, by a careful utilization of the freedom degrees inserted every round, and with a work effort of approximatively 21122^{112} hash computations, an attacker can generate a collision for the full 256-bit version of GRINDAHL

    Cryptanalysis of RadioGatun

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    In this paper we study the security of the RadioGatun family of hash functions, and more precisely the collision resistance of this proposal. We show that it is possible to find differential paths with acceptable probability of success. Then, by using the freedom degrees available from the incoming message words, we provide a significant improvement over the best previously known cryptanalysis. As a proof of concept, we provide a colliding pair of messages for RadioGatun with 2-bit words. We finally argue that, under some light assumption, our technique is very likely to provide the first collision attack on RadioGatun

    The Pairing Problem with User Interaction

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    Bluetooth-like applications face the pairing problem: two devices want to establish a relationship between them without any prior private information. Hoepman studied the ephemeral pairing problem by regarding the human operator of the devices as a messenger in an authenticated and/or private low-bandwidth channel between the nodes. Here we study the pairing problem with user interaction in which the operator can participate by doing extra (simple) computations

    Boomerang Switch in Multiple Rounds. Application to AES Variants and Deoxys

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    The boomerang attack is a cryptanalysis technique that allows an attacker to concatenate two short differential characteristics. Several research results (ladder switch, S-box switch, sandwich attack, Boomerang Connectivity Table (BCT), ...) showed that the dependency between these two characteristics at the switching round can have a significant impact on the complexity of the attack, or even potentially invalidate it. In this paper, we revisit the issue of boomerang switching effect, and exploit it in the case where multiple rounds are involved. To support our analysis, we propose a tool called Boomerang Difference Table (BDT), which can be seen as an improvement of the BCT and allows a systematic evaluation of the boomerang switch through multiple rounds. In order to illustrate the power of this technique, we propose a new related-key attack on 10-round AES-256 which requires only 2 simple related-keys and 275 computations. This is a much more realistic scenario than the state-of-the-art 10-round AES-256 attacks, where subkey oracles, or several related-keys and high computational power is needed. Furthermore, we also provide improved attacks against full AES-192 and reduced-round Deoxys

    Side-channel Analysis of Six SHA-3 Candidates

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    In this paper we study six 2nd round SHA-3 candidates from a side-channel cryptanalysis point of view. For each of them, we give the exact procedure and appropriate choice of selection functions to perform the attack. Depending on their inherent structure and the internal primitives used (Sbox, addition or XOR), some schemes are more prone to side channel analysis than others, as shown by our simulations

    Generic Universal Forgery Attack on Iterative Hash-based MACs

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    In this article, we study the security of iterative hash-based MACs, such as HMAC or NMAC, with regards to universal forgery attacks. Leveraging recent advances in the analysis of functional graphs built from the iteration of HMAC or NMAC, we exhibit the very first generic universal forgery attack against hash-based MACs. In particular, our work implies that the universal forgery resistance of an n-bit output HMAC construction is not 2^n queries as long believed by the community. The techniques we introduce extend the previous functional graphs-based attacks that only took in account the cycle structure or the collision probability: we show that one can extract much more meaningful secret information by also analyzing the distance of a node from the cycle of its component in the functional graph

    Counter-in-Tweak: Authenticated Encryption Modes for Tweakable Block Ciphers

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    We propose the Synthetic Counter-in-Tweak (SCT) mode, which turns a tweakable block cipher into a nonce-based authenticated encryption scheme (with associated data). The SCT mode combines in a SIV-like manner a Wegman-Carter MAC inspired from PMAC for the authentication part and a new counter-like mode for the encryption part, with the unusual property that the counter is applied on the tweak input of the underlying tweakable block cipher rather than on the plaintext input. Unlike many previous authenticated encryption modes, SCT enjoys provable security beyond the birthday bound (and even up to roughly 2n2^n tweakable block cipher calls, where nn is the block length, when the tweak length is sufficiently large) in the nonce-respecting scenario where nonces are never repeated. In addition, SCT ensures security up to the birthday bound even when nonces are reused, in the strong nonce-misuse resistance sense (MRAE) of Rogaway and Shrimpton (EUROCRYPT 2006). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first authenticated encryption mode that provides at the same time close-to-optimal security in the nonce-respecting scenario and birthday-bound security for the nonce-misuse scenario. While two passes are necessary to achieve MRAE-security, our mode enjoys a number of desirable features: it is simple, parallelizable, it requires the encryption direction only, it is particularly efficient for small messages compared to other nonce-misuse resistant schemes (no precomputation is required) and it allows incremental update of associated data

    SHA-1 is a Shambles: First Chosen-Prefix Collision on SHA-1 and Application to the PGP Web of Trust

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    International audienceThe SHA-1 hash function was designed in 1995 and has been widely used during two decades. A theoretical collision attack was first proposed in 2004 [29], but due to its high complexity it was only implemented in practice in 2017, using a large GPU cluster [23]. More recently, an almost practical chosen-prefix collision attack against SHA-1 has been proposed [12]. This more powerful attack allows to build colliding messages with two arbitrary prefixes, which is much more threatening for real protocols. In this paper, we report the first practical implementation of this attack, and its impact on real-world security with a PGP/GnuPG impersonation attack. We managed to significantly reduce the complexity of collision attacks against SHA-1: on an Nvidia GTX 970, identical-prefix collisions can now be computed with a complexity (expressed in terms of SHA-1 equivalents on this GPU) of 2 61.2 rather than 2 64.7 , and chosen-prefix collisions with a complexity of 2 63.4 rather than 2 67.1. When renting cheap GPUs, this translates to a cost of US11kforacollision,andUS 11k for a collision, and US 45k for a chosen-prefix collision, within the means of academic researchers. Our actual attack required two months of computations using 900 Nvidia GTX 1060 GPUs (we paid US$ 75k because GPU prices were higher, and we wasted some time preparing the attack). Therefore, the same attacks that have been practical on MD5 since 2009 are now practical on SHA-1. In particular, chosen-prefix collisions can break signature schemes and handshake security in secure channel protocols (TLS, SSH), if generated extremely quickly. We strongly advise to remove SHA-1 from those type of applications as soon as possible. We exemplify our cryptanalysis by creating a pair of PGP/GnuPG keys with different identities, but colliding SHA-1 certificates. A SHA-1 certification of the first key can therefore be transferred to the second key, leading to an impersonation attack. This proves that SHA-1 signatures now offer virtually no security in practice. The legacy branch of GnuPG still uses SHA-1 by default for identity certifications, but after notifying the authors, the modern branch now rejects SHA-1 signatures (the issue is tracked as CVE-2019-14855)